Monday, November 16, 2009

I Gotta Feelin'... Woo hoo, Boo hoo

So, I was just sitting on my couch, drinking coffee, trying to catch up on some shows on the DVR before anything else gets erased for lack of memory space. I flipped through my recordings of Oprah and they had the behind the scenes stuff from her opening show for this season, where she had the Black Eyed Peas singing their song "I Got a Feeling". Over 20,000 people totally surprised Oprah with a 'flash mob dance' (I had to look that up!) for the song.

I sat there watching the dance, after seeing it on the opening show and again on YouTube, with the biggest smile on my face and singing along. Pretty typical Beth, right? I love the whole thing; the song, the band, the synchronized movement of the crowd and watching Oprah realize what was happening and then get totally into it. I started tearing up, which is something that I do when I'm happy or sad. I thought I was happy....

All of a sudden I found myself crying for real. Not happy tears but something coming up out of me. It happened yesterday in church too. Tears came from 'nowhere!' and wouldn't stop. Have you ever really noticed how connected happy and sad emotions are? Of course, I'm wondering what my tears are about, but it's also fascinating to me how my emotions went from joy and happiness (that's how I feel when I experience music I like) to sorrow so quickly.

Maybe music is like alcohol, it accentuates whatever emotion is most present at the moment.

So, being the mental health advocate that I am learning to become, I went to the internet to see what researchers say about the most powerful organ in the human body: the brain! Here's what I found...

From an article published by The Society for Neuroscience - "Brain activity during these tasks showed involvement of brain areas typically associated with the generation of emotions and areas that control motor behavior. Listening to self-selected happy and sad musical selections also produced brain activity associated with emotions and music processing.

So, there it is. It's all in the hardwiring! Fascinating, isn't it. Complicated and confusing, isn't it! It's a wonder that anyone is "typical/normal". What a miracle!

Now, not to be ignored is the job to ponder over what's getting to me.........hmmm, so many choices, so little time!

1 comment:

  1. Well, yesterday in church, I had the tears welling up inside me too. I can't remember what the song was honestly, but I did feel very emotional about the music, about the kids - all of them not just *mine* singing their hearts out and just doing flat out WORSHIP and sharing with us. It was awesome, emotional, God was with use then. I know it.

    And I loved that YouTube video - I could watch it over and over again. Becuase you know ... it has .. CHOREOGRAPHY!!
