Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My political views - part 2

So, let me begin today with the knowledge that many of the things Obama is doing now have been done by past presidents, including Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush (the dad), Reagan, etc. I know they had czars, I know there was controversy, I know there were illegal things that went on. Why do people who argue for Obama say things like "Well, Bush did that!" Actually, that is a favorite phrase among Obama supporters. Let's blame everything on Bush! Well, get over yourselves. Bush is long gone. Be a mature, responsible gov't and take responsibility for your actions. I personally was quite upset with how things went during the last 1-2 years of Bush's administration. Like I said yesterday, I'm an equal opportunity offender kind of gal! It doesn't matter WHO YOU ARE, WRONG IS WRONG!

The problem I have with Obama and Friends is the word twisting, the deceit, the blame game, and most of all, the arrogance. Ultimate arrogance. Does Obama and his administration really believe that we will fall for it? Well, the answer is........... yes, many people do believe in him. Not as many as before, including many democrats that have reversed their thinking. A lot of the problem is the media, TV and newspaper, that refuse to report anything against Obama, unless forced to. People can't be upset about things if they don't know what's happening. I'm not saying that if you believe in Obama you are uninformed. Not at all. Yet, how can people support an administration that has done the things this one has? Do you think that Americans would stand behind and support Bush if he had:

* flubbed his lines if the teleprompter wasn't working (actually, Bush was constantly ridiculed for this); even Joe Bidden teases about Obama needing his teleprompter

* ignored the American people at every rally (with no arrests, not even garbage on the ground!) and instead said he didn't even know that rallies were occurring , there were protests in over 750 cities nationwide on April 15, 2009 with thousands at each of the larger rallies, even thought many news casts under reported the attendance

* actually, when Cindy Sheehan and about 50 others protested President Bush about the war in Iraq, this is what he had to say, ' "Listen: I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. She feels strongly about her position. And she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America. She has a right to her position," Mr. Bush said.'

* Bush acknowledged Mrs. Sheehan's right to protest. Obama administration called protesters astro-turf (thanks, Nancy Pelosi!), UnAmerican, racist, ignorant, Nazi's & "tea baggers", I actually had to ask Josh what that meant. It's such a gross boy locker room thing!!! And yes, our president, other elected officials and news reporters called the American people these words. Shameful!

     "Obama then mocked the right wing’s tea bagger gatherings for their misplaced anger and, indirectly, Fox News for promoting them:     OBAMA: "So, you know, when you see, you know, those of you who are watching certain news channels, on which I’m not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around, let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term how we’re going to stabilize social security. [...] [L]et’s not play games and pretend that the reason is because of the Recovery Act because that’s just a fraction of the overall problem that we’ve got."

* how about the double standards that many Americans are okay with. Not Me!

* made positive statements about Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro & Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; when Chavez and Castro think you are a liberal, then you are WAAAAAY left

* seemingly aligning himself away from Israel

* trying to silence Fox News- Check out this story from the Associated Press. Here's the first paragraph of the story: 'The Obama administration allowed a Fox News Channel reporter to interview Treasury Department "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg after other network news executives said they wouldn't use a pool arrangement to speak to him unless Fox was included.

* global warming/climate change - We have laws and regulations in place/more to come to help our planet. I love nature, animals, fresh water; hey where I grew up outside WAS my home, was my playmate and my entertainment. But, there are just some things that are being beaten to death. Carbon footprints. I understand the science behind it. However, the people (Gore, a lot of Hollywood and Washington) yelling the loudest about it are the ones with the biggest footprints!

Okay, I think I'm going to pop a gasket! Have you heard about pet carbon footprints? Oh yes! Our PETS are now also responsible for hurting the earth. Check out this website: Get the 'green' poop bags: Eliminate plastic grocery bags and shop for corn-based, biodegradable poop bags. A pack of 100 bags from costs around $20

It might sound strange but a research carried out by two New Zealanders has unearthed a startling fact – dogs are a danger to the health of our planet. A medium sized dog has carbon footprints that are comparable to that of a Toyota Land Cruiser that does 6000 miles per year! The article even talks about the ecological fin-print of a goldfish is equal to that of 2 cellphones.

So we are supposed to be concerned about the fin-print of a goldfish when China, Pakistan, India and many other countries with a high industrial population have no plans to change their ecological ways?

I am one of those who doesn't believe in global warming. I choose to believe the many, many SCIENTISTS that have disproven it over Al Gore, whose movie "An Inconvenient Truth" has been proven to have over 20 lies in it, makes millions of dollars for his campaign. Even ABC's Diane Sawyer was harsh on him about the money he is profiting from his opinions! What kind of funds are the real scientists making, hmm?

Now, climate change is another thing. There is no doubt that our world's climate is changing. I have no problem recycling my garbage, trying to reduce and reuse, etc. I do take issue with those who tell me I must buy certain lightbulbs (try disposing of them), buy a green car, etc.

Hey, wasn't it back in the 70's when scientists said that the world was heading for an ice age! I grew up in Canada and remember thinking that we would be affected a lot sooner than others because we were so far up North.

So, I've said a lot of things here. Now you know where I stand! Maybe you think differently of me now, maybe you are angry for me stating my opinions and stating many, many facts. Well, if you do then that's your problem. I don't think less of you for yours! But, please don't ignore facts! If you don't think my facts are correct, please, by all means disprove me. Send me a comment on this blog and let me know where I messed up. Seriously, I am mature enough to handle it if I am wrong. I will post a correction and it won't be on the back page, baby! 

Tomorrow, I'll post some pics of Rick, myself and the kids at Houston's Tea Party rally this past Monday night. It was a great event for us.

I wonder what will happen when I wear my tea party rally t-shirt out in public?

I love you all, you democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, independents & socialists!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Puh-Reach It, Sista!!!
    I love it. No worries about offending anyone ... its YOUR blog and I love that you are sharing YOU! There's already way too much political correctness around. ;)
