Politics is a scary topic. I have close friends and some family that are liberal, vote democratic & support President Obama. Their reasons vary but none the less, we do not share many of the same views. By no means do I want to alienate them or be divisive. You see, I continue to fight being a people-pleaser. Just check out some of those "personality tests" I've done on Facebook! :)
A year ago today (well, actually Nov. 4th 2008; but last Election Day) I believe that something terrible happened to our country. I knew that Obama would be elected! Rick still held out hope for John McCain but I knew that people were too angry about the war, too angry about our economy and hated President George W. Bush. I knew that Americans were sick and tired of older white men leading our country and that's mostly what the Republican Party gave us to choose from. I was prepared for the results, or so I thought!
I was so wrong! And here I thought Hillary Clinton would divide our country!
Little did I know that our White House administration (Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Tim Geithner, Janet Napolitano, etc., would become so, so, so........ what's the right word. I'm not entirely sure. Here are issues that have frightened me and stuck with me about what "hope and change" have done to our country. This goes for the House and Senate as well, including their illustrious figure heads.
I'll premise this with the fact that some of Obama politics are not new. They've been around for decades and that republicans and conservatives are also just as guilty of such reckless behavior. I take an equal opportunity offender position. If you mess up, regardless of who you are, you should be gone!
Remember, WE VOTE THEM IN! THEY ARE NOT OUR BOSSES! THEY WORK FOR US! Almost all of them, Republican and democrat alike, have forgotten it. And its days like today where we get to VOTE THEM OUT, too.
So, back to the issues that have really struck a nerve with me over the last 9-10 months:
* the way they are going about closing Gitmo; ummm, hello? If other countries don't want these political terrorists (oh sorry, I don't think we're allowed to use that word "terrorist" now) and refuse to take them off of our hands, doesn't that send a message? Who wants Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (remember the killing of Daniel Pearl, remember 9/11), now that his trial being delayed was one of the 1st things Obama did
* lies, lies, lies - how about no pork barrel spending, or no earmarks on bills (then we got over 900 of them), how about trying to reach across "the aisle", how about not being SO left, etc., click here to see Obama's campaign promises
* the czars - hmmm, let's see!
Van Jones
Kevin Jennings, what about him - "Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug FreeSchools at the U.S. Department of Education, is in hot water this week for having failed to report that a 15-year-old sophomore student in his school had told him of having sex with an older man. But failure to report what appeared to be a case of statutory rape of a child may be the least of Jennings’ worries. Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men."
The list of the 30 plus czars - could go on for days! You look it up for yourself! Many of them are very controversial. What does that say about our president? Besides, Republicans & Democrats are upset over the fact that these czars are not investigated by anyone other than Obama's admin., have no confirmation to go through and answer to NO ONE except Obama. Now, even Pelosi, Dodd, Reid and their collegues don't get that favor.
* some of Obama's friends/heroes/idols - Rev. Jeremiah Wright-even Obama distanced himself from Wright, even though before he was elected he sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years,
this is an interesting article, by CBS none the less!
William Ayers - "Bill Ayers who, of course, is notorious as one of the founders of the Weather Underground and himself a Weather Underground terrorist in the Sixties who helped to bomb the Pentagon and he and his comrades planned the bombing of the Capitol and other bombings again that were used to intimidate the families of federal prosecutors who were moving against groups like the Black Panthers and such."
Saul Alinsky - "Obama really became a student of Alinsky's work, an expert on it, learning his notions of power, his notions of organizing, and it was Alinsky who originated this idea of what he calls direct action, which was this use of intimidation tactics intentionally militant and scary, both to intimidate politicians and business leaders into doing what these radical groups wanted and also frankly as a kind of organizing tactic because going out and confronting and intimidating people is very exciting and gets a lot of members into your organization.
* ACORN - Obama hailed them until, like Rev. Wright, they started to tarnish him; click on the video from this site, now they are dealing with an investigation favored by Obama, even though he said, "Frankly, it's not really something I've followed closely," Obama said. "I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money." REEEAAAALLLLY! $53 million tax dollars is not "a whole lot of federal money. Even CBS had something to say. Yes, I said CBS. You can stop rubbing your eyes! Even CBS can't deny the Obama schemes any longer. How about NBC or ABC? Yep, them too! They were all a little a lot slow on the pick up (I wonder why) they have to report the facts, right?
* the firing of Gerald Walpin - first of all, this is one of Obama's campaign promises "Increase protections for whistleblowers"; "Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government."—Obama's The Change We Need In Washington" - oh really!!!! Then, explain this!
* add to the Obama debacle- gov't healthcare bill that the majority American people overwhelmingly don't want to endorse (trillions of dollars for worse healthcare than we have right now, less coverage, less freedom to choose). My family suffers a lot financially because of poor healthcare coverage for our kids' biological disorders but I sure don't want what Canada or Great Britain has! Have you heard ONE SINGLE Canadian or British administrative or regular "Joe" person come out to strongly endorse a gov't run healthcare system? I'm waiting...... Saying that it is better than what we have right now is not good enough (in my opinion and many millions of peoples' too - it will be much worse). I do want healthcare for all citizens that want it. This just isn't the way to go, in my opinion. We ended up in the US because my dad, a former surgeon, did not want to participate in socialized medicine. Have you asked your doctor if they support this healthcare reform?
* how about when people started to say no to Obama/Pelosi/Reid healthcare reform citizens were called racist; "Are you one of the tens of thousands of people who don't want government-run health care and showed up at a town hall or a rally to let it be known? If that's you (then you are part of the right-wing, extremist, angry mob and your anger is fake. It's not organic. It's not grassroots." Have you seen the numerous ways that average Americans have been treated, talked about, vilified by our own elected gov't officials? Disgusting!
So, these are "just the facts, ma'am!" Truly, they are. Look them up if you're not sure. Send me a comment if you think I have my facts wrong.
Whew! I've been working on this posting off and on today and I'm worn out! Never before have I been so charged up about politics! Why now? Because I've been given a message in my life to stand up, stand up to what is wrong (not by my standards, everyone's!), deceitful, and perhaps evil, if I dare say that word. Remember this post or this one! I just gotta do it!
Part 2 tomorrow!It's time for me to do my mom mobile run of the day! Family first!
Wow! You are charged up. I completely agree with everything you said. It's a scary scene in Washington. I have to remind myself that God places these people in authority and he has a plan. I just wish I could have a glimpse of that plan.
ReplyDeleteRock on Beth ... You are preaching to the choir here.
ReplyDeleteI am a little slow getting to this but AMEN SISTER!