Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Smiling Like a Gopher?

Okay, I'm on a Mother's Day streak here. Hmmmm, I wonder what my therapist will say about that statement!!!

Take a look at this and see if you can figure out, if Susie and I had been boys, which one would be me and which one would be her.


  1. I am laughing out loud at this! I could see my kids acting JUST like this.

  2. That made me laugh SO hard I'm crying! So stinkin' funny ... although it doesn't give me a lot of hope for my kids "growing out of it!"

  3. Of course I don't know Susie (is she your sister?) but I'm guessing you're the responsible one (?). This is hilarious and makes me think of all of the photos my mom has of my brother's "rabbit ears" behind my head. Boys sure are different than girls! Diane
